Do the UMNO-BN Government really care about public opinion? Do they still think that Malaysians are bunch of fools??? Malaysiakini should conducts polls on road blocks.
Anwar's Arrest at 12.55pm (Appt at 2.00pm)
Note the policemen who are happily chatting under the umbrella while we the rakyat suffer the traffic jam, wastage of time and petrol etc etc. This is what happens all over the roadblocks. The Policemen are simply there to cause inconvenience. Whose security these guys are talking about? And our brilliant PM says Roadblocks needed to keep order see here ..
What the hell happening in Malaysia? We are suffering horrible traffic jam everyday!!! PM and Ministers keeps saying this is for our safety purpose, is it true? I am doubt towards the intention to have the roadblock. Are these polices really checking the cars in and out? The answer is NO!!!! They are sitting there chatting and shaking their legs only! From the first day roadblock operation until today, is there any suspected people being detained? No!!!!
If the polices are not doing their duty, please remove the roadblock, there emotion is getting heater and heater, soon and sooner, we would rather to leave the car on the road the walk to Parliament!!! Get rid of these stupid act!!!
how do you know the police are 'happily' under the umbrella? Isn't it easy to just past comments and be irresponsible? SO MANY OF THESE NOW IN ALL SITES!
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